--- title: "API Endpoints" author: - "Mark Padgham" date: "`r Sys.Date()`" vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{How to extend checks} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r setup, include=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set ( collapse = TRUE, warning = TRUE, message = TRUE, width = 120, comment = "#>", fig.retina = 2, fig.path = "README-" ) ``` This vignette provides brief summaries of the endpoints of the `roreviewapi` package. These are encoded within the identical [`R/plumber.R`](https://github.com/ropensci-review-tools/roreviewapi/blob/main/R/plumber.R) and [`inst/plumber.R`](https://github.com/ropensci-review-tools/roreviewapi/blob/main/inst/plumber.R) files. All endpoints respond only to `GET` calls. --- ## 1. editorcheck This is the main endpoint called by the `ropensci-review-bot` in response to package submission. The call itself is configured as part of an [external service call in `ropensci-org/buffy](https://github.com/ropensci-org/buffy/blob/82dd29bae4aeaa6bf5ca77b27be82cacd3a1ba04/config/settings-production.yml#L18-L32), which passes the parameters specified there of: 1. `repo` The GitHub repository from where the call originates, generally `ropensci/software-review`; 2. `issue_id` as the number of the issue in `repo` describing the software submission; and 3. `repourl` as specified in the submission template, and specifying the GitHub repository of the software being submitted, also in the format `/`. This endpoint implements the following steps: 1. Call [`roreviewapi::check_issue_template()`](https://docs.ropensci.org/roreviewapi/reference/check_issue_template.html) to check the existence and format of HTML variables included within the submission template. This function returns an empty string if the template is okay; otherwise a descriptive error message. The return value also includes a binary attribute, `"proceed_with_checks"`, which is set to `FALSE` only if `repourl` is improperly specified. In this case the function returns immediately with a text string describing the error. Otherwise the string is carried through to the next step: 2. The [`pkgcheck::pkgcheck()` function](https://github.com/ropensci-review-tools/pkgcheck) is started as a background process, dumping both `stdout` and `stderr` messages to specified logfiles (see `stdlogs` endpoint, below). 3. Any messages generated above are prepended to a return message that the package checks have started, that message delivered back to the bot, and ultimately dumped in the issue thread. All messages, and the results of the [`pkgcheck::pkgcheck()` process](https://github.com/ropensci-review-tools/pkgcheck), are dumped to the specified `issue_id` in the specified `repo`. --- ## 2. editorcheck_contents The `editorcheck_contents` endpoint implements the main check functionality of the `editorcheck` endpoint without dumping any results to the specified issue. It is primarily intended to aid debugging any issues arising within checks, through the use of the `stdlogs` endpoint described below. This endpoint accepts the single argument of `repourl` only. --- ## 3. mean A simple `mean` endpoint can be used to confirm that the server is running. It accepts a single integer value of `n`, and returns the value of `mean(rnorm(n))`. --- ## 4. stats_badge This endpoint is used by the bot to extract the stats badge from those issues which have one, in the form `"6\approved-bronze-v0.0.1"`. This is used in turn by the bot to respond to `mint` commands used to change badge grades. --- ## 5. log The `log` endpoint accepts a single parameter, `n`, specifying the number of latest log entries to retrieve. An example of the log entry for [this submission](https://github.com/ropensci/software-review/issues/470) follows: ```{r log, echo = FALSE} "INFO [2021-10-07 16:48:14] \"Faraday v1.7.1\" :8000 GET /editorcheck ?bot_name=ropensci-review-bot&issue_author=ewallace&issue_id=470&repo=ropensci%2Fsoftware-review&repourl=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fewallace%2Ftidyqpcr&sender=ewallace 200 1.964" ``` Each entry contains the following information: 1. Date and time at which call was made; 2. IP address and machine from which call was sent; 3. Method used to send call; 4. IP address to which call was delivered (always the address hosting the `roreviewapi` instance); 5. `http` method for the call (always `GET` for all endpoints encoded here); 6. The endpoint called (one of the methods listed above); 7. The parameters submitted along with the call; 8. The HTTP status of the call (hopefully 200); and 9. The total duration of the call response. The 7th item of parameters submitted along with the call is particularly useful for debugging purposes; and is specified in [this line of the `R/api.R` file](https://github.com/ropensci-review-tools/roreviewapi/blob/e912885f516198efac885f9923318467c304df5a/R/api.R#L86). --- ## 6. clear_cache This endpoint can be used to clear the server's cache whenever desired or required. This cache is mainly used to store the results of calls to [`pkgcheck::pkgcheck()`](https://github.com/ropensci-review-tools/pkgcheck). The only effect of clearing the cache will be extra time taken to regenerate any calls which were previously cached. --- ## 7. stdlogs This is the most important endpoint for debugging problems within the [`pkgcheck`](https://github.com/ropensci-review-tools/pkgcheck) process itself. The endpoint accepts the single parameter of `repourl`, and will return the results of both `stdout` and `stderr` connections produced during [`pkgcheck`](https://github.com/ropensci-review-tools/pkgcheck). These checks are hashed with the latest git head, ensuring that the endpoint returns checks for the latest commit.